Environmental Studies book pdf ICAR ecourse

 Environmental Studies book pdf  Free Download ICAR ecourse 

Table content 

Module 1: Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

Lesson 1. Definition, scope, and importance of environmental studies

Module 2: Natural resources
Lesson 2. Forest resources

Lesson 3. Water resources

Lesson 4. Mineral resources

Lesson 5. Food resources

Lesson 6. Energy resources

Lesson 7. Land resources

Lesson 8. Conservation and equitable use of natural resources

Module 3: Ecosystems

Lesson 9. Introduction, structure and function of an ecosystem

Lesson 10. Energy flow in the ecosystem and ecological succession

Lesson 11. Characteristic features of various ecosystem

Module 4: Biodiversity and its conservation

Lesson 12. Introduction to biodiversity
Lesson 13. Values of biodiversity

Lesson 14. Biodiversity at global, national and local levels: India as a mega-diversity nation

Lesson 15. Hot-spots of biodiversity and threats to biodiversity

Lesson 16. Conservation of biodiversity

Module 5: Environmental pollution

Lesson 17. Introduction and classification of polluant

Lesson 18. Solid waste management

Lesson 19. Role of an individual in prevention of pollutions

Lesson 20. Pollution case studies

Lesson 21. Disaster management

Module 6: Social issues and environment

Lesson 22. Sustainable development

Lesson 23. Urban problem

Lesson 24. Resettlement an rehabilitation

Lesson 25. Environmental ethics

Lesson 26. Wasteland reclamation

Lesson 27. Environment Protection Act

Lesson 28. Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation

Module 7: Human population and environment

Lesson 29. Population growth and variations among nations

Lesson 30. Environment and human health

Lesson 31. Women and Child Welfare

Lesson 32. Role of information technology (IT) in environments found.

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  1. Environment studies subject is essential to be added in class 3rd and 4th students, as they can understand the environment and its importance from the childhood.
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