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1.Introduction to climatic fluctuations and climate change.Climate change over India and World. Issues on global climate change
2.IPCC assessment on climate change and international conventions
3.Role of ocean in climate change and El nino effect. Climate change and global desertification process
4.Freak monsoon - cyclones -flood -drought –hurricane and ongoing efforts on climate change research
5.Impact of GHG on Global warming. Global C, N, S and H cycles, greenhouse effect andcauses of climate change. Greenhouse gases - CO2, CH4, NO3, CFCs - Change in Conc.greenhouse gases in atmosphere and global warming potential
6.Biotic and abiotic factors on production and emission of greenhouse gases from terrestrialecosystems and aquatic ecosystems
7.Impacts of climate change on agriculture food security and Hydrology
8.Impacts of climate change on Terrestrial, Coastal zones, freshwater and marine ecosystems
9.Impacts of climate change on human health and human settlements. Impacts of climate change on energy, industrial, insurance and other financial services.
10.Climate change on crop diversification, biodiversity, soil fertility, weed, pest and microbesdynamics
11.Monitoring of GHG at atmosphere and different ecosystem.
12.CO2 enrichment and plant response, change in quality and quantity of crop produce
13.Mitigation options of greenhouse gases, Physiological and biochemical effects on biota avoidance and adaptation mechanisms in plants and animals
14.Carbon sequestration and sequestration potential of various sink.
15. Adaptation to climate change – types and improvement. Crop simulation models indeveloping adaptation strategies
16.Government policies on Climate change
17 & 18. Definition, Introduction to natural and manmade disaster, Levels of disasters, History onnatural disasters in India, Disaster phenomena and events (global national and regional),Concept of risk, hazard, and vulnerability)
19.Hydro meteorological Disasters: Floods and flash floods:
General characteristics, causes, nature and frequency of flooding, flood plains, flood hydrographs, river and coastal floods, Lake Outburst, cloud burst; Droughts: Causes, classification – agricultural, hydrological andmeteorological droughts; drought frequency and intensity
20.Hydro meteorological Disasters: Cyclones and Tsunami: Structure and nature of cyclonesand tsunamis, characteristics, factors, hazard potential; Frost, heat and cold waves: cause,intensity and extent of frost, heat and cold waves and its impact on agricultural crops
21.Geological disasters Landslides: causes, susceptibility to landslides and slope failures; Earthquake – Causes, magnitude and intensity
22.Manmade Disasters: chemical hazards, nuclear hazards, forest fire, oil spill and road accidents
23.Severity, extent of disaster damage on agricultural production systems, economic lossesaffecting livelihood, social and economic perspective; Crop Loss: quantity, quality, yield,sustainability, insects, pest and disease incidence
24.Severity, extent of disaster damage on livestock/Fish/Poultry: Mortality, morbidity, health, reproduction yield, feed and fodder availability;
25.Severity, extent of disaster damage on Soil, Water and Irrigation Infrastructure. Soil erosion, water availability, accessibility and quality. Siltation, damage to canal network, tube wells, open wells, dug wells, channels, ponds etc.
26.Strategies for disaster management planning, priority setting forpreparedness strategies inagricultural production system, livestock and fisheries, formulation of a disaster risk reduction plan
27.Role of IT, remote sensing, GIS and GPS in disaster preparedness
28. Weather forecasting and early warning systems, flood forecasting agricultural droughtmonitoring and forecasting
29.Understating resilience, linking vulnerability reduction and disaster recovery, disasterresponse and post-disaster recovery
30.Nature and type of immediate response, disaster management plans, key response functions logistic, recovery rehabilitation reconstruction
31.Contingency Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction: agronomic, engineering other non-engineering interventions for drought, flood, cyclone and heat/cold waves, agro-metadvisories, crop advisories, community nursery, contingent seed bank, mini-kit
32.Strategies for fisheries management in flood prone areas, livestock shelters, feed andfodder banks, mass vaccination of livestock, etc
33.Disaster Management Act and Policies in India, Organizational structure for disastermanagement at national, state and district levels
34.Existing schemes and government policies to tackle agricultural disasters. Insurance andloan schemes: criteria and constrains of crop/animal insurance and credit guaranteeschemes
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