Food additives and food quality assurance | e pathsala | study material | download pdf
- Anti bloom, anti staling and anti spattering ingredients ( added soon )
- Introduction to food additives
- Colourings for the food industry -synthetic colours
- Colourings for the food industry -natural colours
- Flavouring for the food industry
- Stabilizer,thickners an gelling agent for food industry
- Emulsifiers for the food industry
- Emulsifying salts for the dairy and food industry
- Foaming and anti foaming agents
- Firming agents , humectants , propellants
- Preservatives and anti microbial agents for the food industry
- Anti Browning / bleaching agents & anti caking or free flow agents for the food industry
- Nutrients as food additives 1: vitamins and minerals
- Nutrients as food additives 2 : proteins
- Raising agents , glazing agents & subsequestrants for the food industry
- Enzyme application for fruits and vegetables , brewing and wine processing
- Developments in enzyme technology & developing enzyme modified food ingredients
- Dairy Ingredients in food applications -2
- Legal aspects , ADI and GRAS status of food additives
- Safety aspects and allerginiacity of food additives
- Introduction to major conustituents of food
- Water in food systems
- Food polysaccharides 1- starch
- Food polysaccharides 3- pectin & other gums
- Protein Structure and denaturation
- Fat hydrolysis ,interestrification & hydrogenation
- Fat soluble vitamins: properties , stability and modes of degradation
- Water soluble vitamins : properties , stability and modes of degradation
- Emulsions: properties, types & emulsifying agents
- Nutritional aspects & factors affecting composition in food.
- Chemical and functional properties of minerals in food
- Food pigments : properties and stability during Processing.
- Natural plant toxicants
- Preservation of food by physical methods - radiation
- Chemical preservation in foods
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